I must say that out of my experiences thus far, Cape Town CBD
is run the best out of most South African towns. After travelling through the
Eastern Cape recently and the Wild Coast and from seeing and hearing things
about Johannesburg, I am even prouder to stay where I do. Most CBDs in South
Africa are dirty but Cape town seems to be the cleanest I have encountered.
There is crime in all CBD areas but at least in Cape Town you can still walk around
town at night and party without fear for your life. Travellors from far and wide choose to stay in the CBD as it has so much to offer.
There is so much promoting our town and its vibrancy through
the City of Cape Town initiative, whereas most other CBDs in other provinces
are places that one HAS to go to for business, not out of choice. Driving through some of the towns in the Eastern
Cape and Gauteng area scared me as you
see muggings and hijackings in broad daylight as you drive passed. I don’t live
in Cape Town CBD, but as a regular visitor I believe we have a great CBD! It is
a place I want to go, so full of
cosmopolitan life and energy.
Cape Town CBD taken from mybroadband.co.za |
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